Also, give yourself some nice hot lemon tea at least twice daily. I sugest either straight lemon/lime juice (fresh), or mix half and half with either some tea or some water. This helps whip your cold into shape as well.

Keep the fever down by adding three cap fulls of fresh squeezed lime juice, a cap full of vinegar and a bowl ice water. Dip your wash cloth in so it is nice and COLD. Apply to your forehead, chest and back of neck. My mother-in-law always suggests this and I have to say that it is a nice alternative to sticking your child in a cold shower, or you having to hop in there yourself.
- Tip: To get the most effectiveness out of the tartness along with the acid of the lemon/lime only slice it half way through the middle and then twist the rest of it off. One of my husbands friends that grew up on a farm gave him that advice when bringing us a bag of limes.